Teslagrad Wiki

Scroll 14: Crafting Iron Lice

Scroll #14 is located in the Maze room. It depicts the Teslamancers nailing metallic plates into the creatures from the Foreign nation of Angloria, turning them into Iron Lice.

Normal Collection Method[]

Navigate the upper path of the block maze and aim for the floating platform at the top. Once there, jump and blink to the left, past the electric barrier. Then blink past the Volt Walkers to reach the scroll.


Teslagrad secret scroll card pill -14

Speedrun Collection Method[]

Optimized Maze navigation to reach the platform, then using Extended Blink Hitbox to collect the scroll once past the electric barrier.


Teslagrad Speedrun - Scroll 14 (Maze) with Extended Blink Hitbox

Alternate method: After getting the Magnetic Cloak, load the Maze room from the Tower, then go into the Tower and grab the scroll through the wall via Extended Blink Hitbox.


Fast maze scroll - Teslagrad Speedrun Tricks
