Teslagrad Wiki

This page covers methods for skipping Faradeus, the second boss.


EBH through Trigger Method[]

Skipping the Faradeus fight via use of Extended Blink Hitbox is a four step process.

  1. Use an EBH to enter Faradeus's arena so you skip over the triggers that activate Faradeus and the thorn barriers.
  2. Since you cannot go through Faradeus while she is asleep, you need to get her to move. Go to the right far enough to trigger the Faradeus fight, but not the thorn barriers.
  3. Once Faradeus flies toward you, blink through her toward the left of the arena.
  4. Use a second EBH to skip over the trigger for the thorn barrier on the left.


For the first part of the trick, EBH through the area highlighted in red. Touch the area highlighted in blue, but don't touch the area highlighted in red.


After going past Faradeus, EBH through the area highlighted in red to escape the arena.


A video of the entire boss skip:


Teslagrad Speedrun - Faradeus Skip with Extended Blink Hitbox

Ghost Ledge Method[]

This method can be performed in both Legacy and Current versions of the game, but it's much harder to perform in Current. This is most likely due to the fact that the physics engine runs at different framerates in Legacy vs. Current (150ish Hz in Legacy vs. 120 Hz in Current).

In order to perform the trick, you have to die and be pushed out of Faradeus's room by the wind blade that Faradeus throws at you. There is a small window on the left of Faradeus's room in which you can go through to get out of the room. If you got pushed the right way during your death animation, you will hit the checkpoint of this other room before being respawned. If you succeed to do so, you won't respawn in Faradeus's room, but in the next room.

Dioxymore's Setup using Ghost Ledge :


Faradeus skip with pause buffer - Teslagrad Speedrun Tricks

PrettyFrenchMan's Setup without Ghost Ledge (can be used as a backup-strat if you fail the ghost ledge):


Faradeus skip "FrenchMan setup" explanation